Dr Emmanuel Coumbis BDSc


Office Hours

We have endeavoured to have a variety of  hours available to enable maximum access to our services.

The office is staffed as per the table below and a phone call outside these hours will be diverted to Dr Coumbis’ mobile phone.

Please leave a message and Dr Coumbis will contact you as soon as possible if there is an urgent requirement. Otherwise, our staff will contact you promptly the following working day.

After Hours Emergencies

Our surgery works co-operatively with other surgeries to help you in the unfortunate situation where you have severe pain and/or trauma outside our regular hours.

The best way to access this service is to contact our surgery by phone (5448 2999) and leave a message and Dr Coumbis will contact you for advice and/or assistance as needed.


Appointment Availability

We want to make sure appointments are available when you need them.  This can be difficult due to the high demand for our services. We allow an unbooked period (prior  to lunchtime) each day to treat severe emergencies which can’t wait. We also keep a standby list and make every endeavour to see everyone as soon as possible. With this in mind, we certainly appreciate circumstances can change and you may need to change your appointment. If this is the case, please contact us as soon as you realise so that we can offer it to  someone  on our standby list. Please note that failure to attend appointments without notifying us may result in us being unable to offer you any further appointments.

Appointment Length

This will obviously vary according to circumstances but we generally allow 45 minutes for your initial visit where possible. This provides us with adequate time to get to understand your individual requirements (and expectations of us) and to thereby create a plan where we can help you achieve them.

Please note that due  to modern infection control requirements, we prefer to work more efficiently with longer appointment times to minimise changeover times as these are very time consuming. As well as keeping costs down, this will also help us reduce waiting times for appointments. Of course, shorter times are still available if preferred due to each person’s ability to cope with longer sessions and/or financial constraints.